Blog Tour: HER HOPES AND DREAMS by Terri Osburn

Must Read

Denise Alicea

This blog was created by Denise in September 2008 to blog about writing, book reviews, and technology. Slowly, but surely this blog expanded to what it has become now, a central for book reviews of all kinds interviews, contests, and of course promotional venue for authors, etc

Tour Graphic

We are extremely delighted to join the BOOK TOUR of
Terri Osburn

Sweet. Heartwarming.
Book 4 of the highly popular Ardent Springs series.

Purchase Links:
Amazon Kindle | Amazon Print |

Terri Osburn - Her Hopes and Dreams Cover

Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publication Date: November 15, 2016
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If she’d let him in, 
he’d be the man of her dreams.

As a newly single mother, Carrie Farmer isn’t quite ready to jump back into the dating pool in Ardent Springs—especially since her last marriage was such a disaster. But if anyone could entice her to wade in a bit, it would be her hunky neighbor, Noah Winchester. He’s the perfect man: strong, protective, and smoking hot. But her eyes have deceived her before, and she’s no longer willing to hand over her heart so easily.

After completing several tours in the Middle East, Noah returns to his hometown a very different man. The former soldier’s plan to rest and relax is soon waylaid by the intriguing woman next door and her heart-stealing little girl. Something—or someone—put shadows in Carrie’s lovely eyes, and he’s determined to clear them away. But when hidden demons can no longer be ignored, the couple gets a reminder from an unexpected source that love truly can conquer all.


Get your copy of Her Hopes and Dreams today.
Available at:

Amazon Kindle | Amazon Print |

Other Books in the Ardent Springs Series

Check out other highly recommended titles by Terri Osburn.
Here are her first 3 books in the Ardent Springs series.

His First and Last Cover

His First and Last
Ardent Springs, Book 1

Sparks fly when high school sweethearts reunite in this first book in Terri Osburn’s Ardent Springs Series. Lorelei and Spencer thought they’d moved on, but find old flames never really die. But can they let the past go to find their happily ever after?

Purchase Links: Amazon Kindle | Amazon Print |
Barnes & Noble

Our Now and Forever Cover

Our Now and Forever
Ardent Springs, Book 2

A whirlwind romance landed Caleb and Snow in a Vegas wedding chapel making the biggest commitment of their young lives, but married life isn’t quite what Snow expected. Caleb has spent eighteen months looking for his runaway bride, and now that he’s found her in Ardent Springs, he isn’t about to let her out of his arms again.

Purchase Links: Amazon Kindle | Amazon Print |
Barnes & Noble

My One and Only Cover


Stepping into the dim glow of two hanging bulbs, Carrie found Noah with his back to the door. She yelled his name, but the volume on the radio had her beat by several decibels. Knocking on the inside of the large swinging door didn’t help either. Seeing no other option, Carrie stepped forward to tap him on the shoulder, but the moment her finger connected with solid muscle, the man spun around and slammed a forearm across her throat, lifting her off the ground and propelling her backward. He moved with her, eyes wild as her back hit the one closed door.

Carrie dropped the plans to claw at the arm cutting off her air sup­ply. She tried to cry out, but her voice box produced nothing. Noah panted, brown eyes unblinking behind the strands of dark hair covering half his face. The moment fire raced through her starving lungs, the arm dropped away and Noah backpedaled, stopping when he reached the far wall, and then dropping to the ground.

Dragging in giant gulps of air, Carrie’s brain screamed for her to run, but she needed working lungs to do that. Chest burning, she lifted her eyes to see Noah still huddled on the dirt floor, his entire body shak­ing. This wasn’t the action of an angry man. Carrie had seen rage and brutality. This was something different. In fact, Noah looked as trau­matized as she felt. Searching the area for the source of the noise, she spotted a small speaker on the workbench to her right. Carrie yanked the short black cord out of the player, and the music cut off.

Blessed silence. And then she heard it. Crying.

Against the back wall, Noah’s head hung low between his knees as his entire body rocked forward and back. Without thinking, Carrie closed the distance between them, stopping just out of his reach.

“Noah?” she said, her voice low and soothing. “Noah, it’s okay. I’m okay.”

His head shook, sending thick locks swinging.

“I shouldn’t have surprised you,” she said, recognizing the signs of PTSD. She’d read up on the disorder after several episodes of her own. Jumping at unexpected sounds. Experiencing intense fight-or-flight instincts, hers always taking the flight route. Clearly, Noah’s instinct had gone the opposite way. Dropping to her knees, she leaned forward. “Take some deep breaths. In and out. Real slow.”

Lifting his head, Noah shoved the hair out of his face and wiped his eyes. “Did I hurt you?”

Carrie would have a hard-to-explain bruise, and he’d scared several years off her life, but to her own surprise, she felt more like the attacker than the attackee.

“I’m sorry I startled you,” she said. “I couldn’t think of any other way to get your attention.”

“Did I hurt you?” he asked again.

Running a hand along her throat, she said, “You cut off my air for a few seconds, but there’s no permanent damage.”

“Dammit,” Noah mumbled, brown eyes lifting to the ceiling. “I thought I had it under control.”

“You have a condition, Noah. You didn’t know what you were doing.”

“How do you know that?” he asked, straightening a leg past her knee.

Learning his secret didn’t mean she had to share her own. “I’ve done some research in preparation for opening the shelter.”

“I suppose getting knocked around by some asshole could leave a person shell-shocked.”

To put it lightly.

Carrie rested a hand on his shin. “Are you okay?”

Heavy brows drew together. “Why are you still here? Why didn’t you run? I tried to kill you.”

A reality she didn’t want to think about. There had been times, in the months before Patch had died, when Carrie had truly feared for her life. While dangling in Noah’s grip, she’d revisited that fear. A fact that had her asking the same questions of herself.

“I don’t know,” she said with total honesty. “You were shaking. I couldn’t leave you like that.”

“You need to learn some self-preservation skills.” Noah held out a hand, but she wasn’t sure what to do with it. “I promise I won’t hurt you again,” he said. “You can trust me.”

Despite what had just happened, she believed him. Carrie pressed her palm against his and was lifted off the floor as he rose to his feet. They stood less than a foot apart, dust swirling around them. Noah lowered his head and trailed a finger down her throat.

“That’s going to bruise,” he said, voice filled with remorse. “I’d never hurt you on purpose. You have to know that.”

Nodding, Carrie murmured, “I know.” Which made no sense at all. He had hurt her. And yet, she wasn’t afraid of him. In fact, she didn’t want to leave him. Not with anguish and regret still clouding his eyes. With a smile, she said, “The next time, I’ll keep my distance and throw something at your head.”

A callused thumb traced along her jawline. “God, I love that smile,” he said. “I really am sorry, Carrie. I’m sorry you had to see that side of me.”

“I’m sorry you had to go through something that turned you into that.” She wrapped a gentle hand around his wrist. “The scars that people don’t see are the hardest ones to heal.”

“Do they ever heal?” he asked, eyes dropping to her lips.

“I hope so,” she replied as his head lowered to hers. Carrie’s heart sped with anticipation as his hand caressed her cheek. His breath feathered across her lips less than a second before a baby’s cry filled the night.



Fun Fact #1 – When I decided to set a series in middle Tennessee, I had no idea I’d soon become a resident. Back in the mid-90s, I moved to Nashville, and stayed for three years. In the two decades since, I always knew I wanted to move back, but had no idea when or if it might happen. So when Lorelei Pratchett walked into my head in early 2014, I didn’t realize that plopping her into one of my favorite parts of the country would lead to plopping myself back there as well.


Fan Fact #2 – Noah Winchester started out as a Methodist minister. Hard to believe, I’m sure, but I thought that Carrie’s hero was a minister. And I did my best to make it so, writing half a book before realizing how wrong I was. After a brief but embarrassing freak out, the new and improved version of Noah walked onto the scene, and I’ve never been so happy to meet a character in my life.


Fun Fact #3 – As a visual person, I create a Pinterest board for all of my books. If you’re ever curious about where they live, what they wear, or what they look like to me, simply hop over to my Pinterest boards and check it out. No worries if what I imagined isn’t what you saw while reading the book. That’s the wonderful thing about books. You get to bring them to life in your mind, and there’s no wrong way to do that.

My One and Only
Ardent Springs, Book 3

A desperate teenage mother becomes a common cause for Cooper and Haleigh, who have been friends forever and nothing more. Seeing this as his chance with the girl he’s always loved, Cooper turns on the charm, but Haleigh’s history, as well as her daunting mother, could be too much for even love to overcome.

Purchase Links: Amazon Kindle | Amazon Print |
Barnes & Noble


Everyone is invited to join the giveaway contest
from November 15 – December 14, 2016.

Lots of prizes to be won!

Win $5 Amazon Gift Card
(Open to all participants)

Be sure to visit each blog scheduled throughout the tour
for a chance to win $5 Amazon Gift Card on each stop.
Check out the tour schedule below.

One Lucky Winner will bring home
A Red Kindle Fire,
4 signed Ardent Series Books in a I-Love-Romance-Novels tote
and more!
(Open to US and Canadian residents only)

Click here to join the Tour Wide Giveaway Contest.

Giveaway Graphic

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Purchase Her Hopes and Dreams today!
Available at:
Amazon Kindle | Amazon Print |

About Terri Osburn


Although born in the Ohio Valley, Terri Osburn found her true home between the covers of her favorite books. Classics like The Wizard of Oz and Little Women filled her childhood landscapes, and the romance genre beckoned during her teen years. In 2007, she put pen to paper to write her own. Just five years later, she became a 2012 finalist for the Romance Writers of America Golden Heart Award, and her debut novel was released a year later. To date, she has released eight novels, two novellas, and one short story. You can learn more about this award winning author by visiting her website at

Visit the official website of Terri Osburn

Connect with Terri Osburn on social media:
Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads

Tour Schedule

Join the book tour! Get more tidbits, excerpts and other info on Her Hopes and Dreams. Visit all the tour stops for a chances to win $5 Amazon Gift Card on each stop.

November 15

Book Unleashed – Promo, Excerpt

Cali Book Reviews – Review

November 16

Happy Ever After Romance Book Reviews – Review, Excerpt

Stormy Nights Reviewing & Bloggin’ – Promo

November 17

Books According to Abby – Review, Excerpt

The Pen and Muse Book Reviews – Promo, Excerpt, Fun Facts

November 18

The Romance Reviews – Review, Excerpt

What is That Book About – Excerpt

Books,Dreams,Life – Promo, Review, Excerpt

November 21

Read Your Writes Book Reviews – Excerpt, Interview

November 22

Archaeolibrarian – I Dig Good Books! – Excerpt, Fun Facts

November 23

Dawn’s Reading Nook – Excerpt

November 24

Lisa Loves Literature – Promo

November 25

Liz’s Reading Life – Promo, Excerpt, Fun Facts

November 28

Tory Richards – Promo, Excerpt

November 29

Diana’s Book Reviews – Review, Fun Facts

November 30

KT Book Reviews – Promo

Wander Girl Life – Review

December 1

The Avid Book Collector – Promo, Excerpt

December 2

Romancing the Books and More – Interview

December 5

Spunk & Hunks – Character Interview

December 6

Crazy Beautiful Reads – Promo, Excerpt

December 7

Delish & Yummy Book Boyfriends – Promo, Excerpt

December 8

Maari Loves Her Indies – Promo

December 9

Romantic Reads and Such – Review, Excerpt

December 12

Paulette’s Papers – Promo, Excerpt

December 13

The Silver Dagger Scriptorium – Promo, Excerpt, Fun Facts

December 14

Random Thoughts From a Book Nerd – Promo, Excerpt

In partnership with

Book Unleashed


Didi 11/17/2016 - 10:02 am

Happy book book birth day, Terri. Wish you a great blog touring!
puspitorinid AT yahoo DOT com

Heather 11/17/2016 - 10:16 am

This book is so great! Carrie & Noah are my favorite Ardent Springs couple, no contest.

cheryl c. 11/17/2016 - 3:17 pm

This has been such a good series!

Ami 11/17/2016 - 9:25 pm

Congratulations for the book release, Terri.


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