Workshop: Runes for Writers

Must Read

Denise Alicea

This blog was created by Denise in September 2008 to blog about writing, book reviews, and technology. Slowly, but surely this blog expanded to what it has become now, a central for book reviews of all kinds interviews, contests, and of course promotional venue for authors, etc

Runes for Writers: Beginning the Journey

  • Dates: October 3-31
  • Instructor: Mad Hildebrandt
  • $15.00 for CHRWA Members and $25 for Non-Members

14390734_10154486459638480_6014444464382763860_nCourse Description:

Runes for Writers is a fun new way to create the backstory of your characters, or to figure out how to get from one incident to the next. It’s perfect for plotters AND pantsers. Luckily for the latter, they can figure out how to get a character to that next moment by throwing a handful of stones! Mad will keep you involved with homework and hands-on use of runes for your own writing. You will even get to make your own runes, or use a set you’ve purchased if you prefer.

Be prepared with lots of questions, and expect lots of working on reading! You don’t need to have a set of Runes before this class. We will be making our own, but you may buy a set if you prefer. You do NOT need to know how to read Runes before taking this class. By the end of the month you will have a rudimentary working knowledge of Runes and Rune use in both your own life and in your writing.

Lectures with Question/Answer sessions:

1. Introduction and Welcome

2. What are Runes

3. (a little History)

4. Elder and Younger Futhark

5. Keywords

6. Your daily Rune (ongoing)

7. The Rune Journal

8. How do we read Runes?

9. Reading Practice

10. How can we use Runes as writers?

11. Working with Rune spreads

12. Wrap Up

Mad Hildebrandt has been reading Runes and Divining since her Welsh/Irish grandmother taught her in the mid 1970s. She doesn’t do either for money, however, preferring to cast runes and divine with metal or willow rods for her own use.

She is an adjunct History Professor with Rowan College in Burlington County, NJ. She teaches U.S. and World History – currently online while residing in New Mexico.

She has a PhD in US History from the University of Maine, and an MA in History from San Francisco State University. She has special emphases in Gender, Immigration (particularly Irish), Social Movements, and Sport. She is currently writing an historical novel set in Antebellum New York City.

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