Home Review Policy

Review Policy

Review Policy

As of Feb. 2025 I am not taking any reviews at this time.

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Submissions I am currently accepting by genre:
Review Guidelines to follow:

If you are submitting a book review and you are an author, please email me first via the contact page. This does not guarantee you a review.

Reviews are done in the order they are received. We do also take print books, but please contact us for further details. Please allow about a three week minimum on the book review.

Disclaimer: Book reviews are held to be the creation of their author and are subject to the same copyright provisions. Permission to copy these reviews has to be sought before done.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) issued new rules that went into effect on December 1, 2009. These rules state that product reviewers on blogs must disclose whether they received review products for free or received monetary payment for such reviews.

The books we review on this site, except where noted, are Advance Review Copies (ARCs) sent by publishers or authors.


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