Interview with author of Encounters with Strangers, Nubia DuVall Wilson!

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Denise Alicea

This blog was created by Denise in September 2008 to blog about writing, book reviews, and technology. Slowly, but surely this blog expanded to what it has become now, a central for book reviews of all kinds interviews, contests, and of course promotional venue for authors, etc

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Encounters with Strangers
Price: $11.00

Genre: Non-Fiction (humor)

ISBN: ISBN-10:0615683479 (free Kindle version for Amazon Prime members):

Book Blurb:
Encounters with strangers happen everywhere…

IN THE SUBWAY: His wild eyes glanced around the train as he continued, “THE PLANETS ARE ALIGNING! And when they do…THE SPIRITUALITY STARTS IN MY HEAD!”

IN TAXI CABS: He paused for a few seconds and then finally answered, “Look. This isn’t my cab.” Jesus Christ! Was I getting kidnapped?

WHILE TRAVELING ON BUSINESS: We were adopted by a FedEx broker who was a local with a long dark scar on his cheek. “Scarface” would help us at price—$200 USD.

Encounters with Strangers gives new meaning to the saying “Never talk to strangers” in this humorous compilation of almost 100 real-life interactions that happened between strangers and Nubia DuVall Wilson from 2004 to 2012. Starting as an obsession with compiling comical episodes on the New York City subway, Wilson’s collection of vignettes expanded over time to include situations while traveling and when she lived abroad in Taipei, Taiwan. From morning commute catfights to verbal attacks on the streets and bumping into celebrities, this book of shorts is a fun, easy read.

Interview Where are you from? Tell us a little about yourself!

I grew up in Maryland in a suburb right outside of Washington, D.C.  A fun fact about me is that I took acting classes at The Kennedy Center in D.C. when I was a child.  My mother is an editor, but she started her career as an English teacher, so I get my love of language and literature from her. When I entered Barnard College, I was set on being a journalist and writing about travel. After college, I moved to Taipei, Taiwan to teach English and learn Mandarin.  It was a life-changing experience, which caused some of career goals to change! My first job in New York City was at Real Simple magazine, and now I work in public relations full time (but I am a writer at heart).


Tell us about your book? How did it get started?

My father is an artist and percussionist, so we often went to NYC for his art shows (he lived in Harlem during the Harlem Renaissance throughout his 20s and 30s). While visiting, he often remarked that someone needed to write about all of the crazy situations one can encounter when living in or visiting New York. I decided to do just that in 2007 when I launched a blog called Encounters with Strangers. Every week I updated it with interesting situations I observed or that happened to me while living in New York. When you live among 8 million people in a city packed together like sardines, a crazy situation is bound to transpire at least once a week if not almost every day. It’s exciting—and sometimes unnerving!


What inspires and what got your started in writing?

People inspire me. I am an observer, and when I walk around big cities like New York, I am constantly stimulated and inspired to write about what I see. I almost studied Psychology in college because I am fascinated by the human psyche.


My mother taught me how to write poetry when I was five years old—I knew what metaphors and similes were before I entered the first grade! I was hooked! I still enjoy writing poetry and I owe that to my mom. I also wrote short stories when I was in grade school.


Where do you write? Is there something you need in order to write (music, drinks?)

I don’t like to write in silence. My favorite place to write is in an intimate restaurant or small bar where I can hear music, see strangers, and have a glass of wine.


How do you get your ideas for writing?

My dreams give me ideas for short stories. When I was growing up, I loved reading fantasy and science fiction. Authors such as Alan Dean Foster, Ray Bradbury, and Orson Scott Card influenced me greatly. One day I hope to publish some of my sci-fi short stories.  In addition, I’ve started a collection of short stories based on my wacky family—similarly to David Sedaris—family dynamics inspire me and my relatives give me a lot of material to work with!


What do you like to read?

I am an information junkie. I love reading about advances in science and technology, as well as current affairs. I am part of a book club (we dubbed the group Books, Inc.) and we read a great mix of literature—from the classics to current bestsellers. Some of my favorite authors include William Faulkner, Paulo Coelho, Toni Morrison, and Djuna Barnes. I also enjoy reading books in Spanish to keep up my proficiency.

  What would your advice be for authors or aspiring authors in regards to writing?

Keep your eyes and ears open because you never know where your inspiration could come from next. Read! Reading is a great way to keep up your inspiration to write. I personally enjoy admiring other authors’ writing styles and techniques for creating a good story. Also, I enjoy sharing my ideas and challenges with fellow writers, friends, and family. It’s good to get a fresh perspective on something you are working on. Lastly, write as much as you can. Although I don’t have as much time to keep up my blog,, now that I am a mom of a 3-month-old baby girl, I try to write a post every few weeks to keep it going.


Anything else you’d like to share?

My book will be free for Kindle readers for two days from October 2 through October 3. Go here:

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1 comment

The Pen & Muse Interview | Encounters with Strangers 04/22/2014 - 5:54 pm

[…] please check out my latest interview about my new book Encounters with Strangers on the lovely blog The Pen & Muse Book Reviews […]


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